European Data Protection Supervisor presents annual report
European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) 2005 annual report was presented on the 19 April . As stated by the report, following the first year of setting up the new independent authority on protecting personal data and privacy, 2005 was a year of consolidation confirming its main activities: supervision, consultation and cooperation. The authority increased its staff and set up its own press service.
Peter Hustinx, the European Data Protection Supervisor, stated that EDPS is now advising the European Commission, Council and Parliament on proposals of new legislation affecting privacy and six formal opinions were published last year in this context. Related mainly to the policy area "Justice, Freedom and Security", these opinions included proposals such as the highly controversial one on data retention, but also for large scale IT-systems such as the second generation Schengen information system (SIS II) and the Visa information system (VIS).
In 2005 efforts were made to further develop the network of Data Protection Officers (DPOs) of institutions and bodies. A paper on the role of the compulsory Data Protection Officers was published and advice and training was also provided to DPOs. Resources were used to prior checking risky operations (although most of them “ex post†as the respective systems already existed before EDPS was created).
EDPS ensured a series of tools facilitating the compliance of data protection obligations by the EU administration as well as 34 opinions out of which 30 on systems existing in various institutions and bodies. It established some thematic priorities such as medical files, staff appraisal, disciplinary procedures, social services and e-monitoring.
A background paper was also elaborated on how public access to documents and data protection relate in the context of EU institutions and bodies.
As the supervisory authority of the central unit of Eurodac, EDPS prepared a series of activities in 2005 expressing a general satisfaction on the findings of the first stage of inspections.
Peter Hustinx expressed his trust in EDPS achievements during the first two years of activity and considered progress has been made in developing a data protection culture.
Consolidating the EDPS –second Annual Report presented – press release
EDPS 2005 Annual Report (19.04.2006)
EDRI-gram : Results data protection inspection EURODAC kept secret
EDRI-gram : EU Visa Database under scrutiny of the European Data Protection